What Is Important With SEO and What Can Be Left By the Wayside?

The SMX East Panel Convention happened not too long ago and many topics were presented for panelists to weigh in on. One of the topics placed on the table was SEO and the ranking factors . In 2017, what part of SEO is still the most valuable and what can be tossed away ? The algorithm is one element of SEO that can either make or break your search engine results. Algorithms are in a constant state of development and evolution. One point of discussion from the panel is how certain things that used to be of concern for SEO are no longer in play. Elements like mobile-friendliness and HTTP are more of a concern than others. What is of the utmost concern and what is not ? 1) The HTTP, which is more commonly known as website security. The panelists did confirm that 65% of domains that have high-volume keywords are secure, but more needs to be done. More people need to switch over to HTTP to ensure the security that is already in place. 2) The panelists found that abo...